Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The flailing falsehoods of Americas fight criminals


I didnt think it was possible, but former Bush officials -- desperately fighting what they know will be their bequest as fight criminals -- have turn even some-more prejudiced propagandists out of bureau than they were in office. At National Review, Bill Burck and Dana Perino so entirely trick their readers about theDOJreport -- rejecting the commentary of the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR)of reliable bungle opposite John Yoo and JayBybee -- that the tough to know where to begin. They persevere divide after divide to hailing the comprehension and firmness of the reports author, careerDOJprosecutor DavidMargolis, in sequence to fake that he shielded Yoo and Bybees work, claiming that Margolis "officially vindicated Bush-era lawyers John Yoo and Jay Bybee" and that "Margolis deserted OPRs letter of reference and majority of the analysis." Perhaps the majority treacherous explain is this one:

So, in one dilemma we have a authorised all-star group of Mukasey, Filip, Estrada, Mahoney, Goldsmith [all worried Bush lawyers], and Margolis. In the alternative corner, we have OPR handling far outward the joy section and area of expertise. This shouldnt have been close -- and it wasnt, on the merits.

Compare that to what Margolis...

Click here to review the complete article...


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