Earlier this week, former "Pushing Daisies" star and "Glee" favoriteKristin Chenoweth slammed Newsweek for edition an essay she deemed"horrendously homophobic." The essay claimed that happy actress SeanHayes wasnt plausible in his purpose as a heterosexual man in "Promises,Promises," that he stars in with Chenoweth.Now, "Glee" creatorRyan Murphy has assimilated Chenoweth in disapproval Ramin Setoodeh, theauthor of the article, and Newsweek itself. Murphy calls for GLAAD"ssupport in a protest of the magazine. He calls Setoodeh "a happy mandeeply in need of a little education" and asks fans not to await Newsweekuntil Setoodeh not usually "apologizes to those he has deeply annoyed butpauses prior to he picks up his poison coop again to work by theissues of his own self loathing.The essay hits close to home for Murphy. In further to Hayes, the essay called out Jonathan Groff, a happy actress whoplays Jesse St. James, Lea Micheles decidedly true love intereston "Glee." "In half his scenes, he scowls--is that a surrogate forbeing straight?" the essay mused."When he smiles or giggles, he seems some-more similar to your normal theaterqueen, a improved regretful compare for Kurt than Rachel." According to the article, Groffs sexuality is "distracting."We"d desire to differ. The usually thing distracting about Jesse St. Sexy is his all-around awesomeness.Read the full content of Murphys minute below. We see brazen to Setoodehs response.I would similar to to stick on my great crony Kristin Chenoweth on hercondemnation of a new Newsweek essay created by Mr. RaminSetoodeh, in that Setoodeh fundamentally says that out happy actors shouldgo behind in to the broom closet and never try to fool around true characters.This essay is as misled as it is intolerable and hurtful. It shocksme since Mr. Setoodeh is himself gay. But what is the majority shockingof all is that Newsweek went forward and published such a blatantlyhomophobic essay in the initial place...and has remained wordless in theface of ongoing (and justified) criticism. Would the repository havepublished an essay where the writer creates a topic make a difference thatminority actors should usually be authorised and speedy to playdomestics? I think not.Today, I have asked GLAAD boss Jarrett Barrios to mount with meand others and ask for an evident protest of Newsweek repository untilan reparation is released to Sean Hayes and alternative dauntless out actors who werecruelly singled out in this damaging, needlessly cruel, andmind-blowingly hypocritical piece. An reparation should additionally be released to allgay readers of the magazine...steelworkers, parents, accountants,doctors, etc...proud overworked Americans who, if this essay is to bebelieved, should usually brand themselves as "queeny" people (a wordused by Setoodeh in the article) who mount at the behind of the train andembrace an old-fashioned decades old stereotype.Mr. Setoodeh has not long ago Twittered that he is a fan of Glee, the showI co-created with Ian Brennan and Brad Falchuk...the show on that Mr.Groff plays the true love seductiveness to Lea Michele, a cast of characters choiceembraced by fans and critics comparison that Mr. Setoodeh has taken issuewith.I magnify an open call in to Mr. Setoodeh to come to the writers roomof the show, and maybe compensate a set visit. Hopefully afterwards he can see howwe take caring to do a show about inclusiveness...a show that encouragesall viewers no make a difference what their passionate course to go after theirhopes and dreams and not be pigeonholed by antiquated and harmfulrhetoric...rhetoric he sadly spews and believes in. Hopefully, a little ofthe love we try to widespread will massage off on Mr. Setoodeh -- a happy mandeeply in need of a little preparation --& and he not usually apologizes to thosehe has deeply annoyed but pauses prior to he picks up his poison penagain to work by the issues of his own self loathing. Give me acall, Ramin...I"d love to listen to from you. I"ll even give you a free copyof the Madonna CD, on that we cover "Open Your Heart," a strain youshould fool around in your residence and car on repeat.RyanFollowand @cadlymack Twitter andon Facebook for the ultimate luminary headlines and buzz.More dish:Kristin Chenoweth slams Newsweeks anti-gay actress entertainment reviewGLAAD supports Chely Wrights entrance outCountry thespian Chely Wright absolutely, definitely comes out! Who now?Move over, Ricky Martin: Another celeb is entrance outRicky Martin should be distinguished not banned, Mr. DeejayPhoto credit: Getty Images
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