By Christopher Middleton Published: 11:16AM GMT 17 Feb 2010
Fifty years ago, parents worried that their children would rot their teeth with gobstoppers and sherbet lemons. Today we worry that they"ll rot their minds with computers.
Teenagers online A quarter of British teenagers victims of online bullying Ofcom may look into programmes for under-threes Cannabis can cause psychosis in healthy people Parents turn to social networking sites like Facebook to keep in touch with childrenAnd with good reason, if a television documentary is to be believed. According to a survey of 100 people, carried out for the BBC programme The Virtual Revolution, young people are increasingly unable to focus on one webpage at a time. Instead, because of habitual computer use, they constantly flit between webpages.
Not only that, but some experts claim that excessive web use will lead increasing numbers of young people to seek treatment for mental disturbance over the next three years. It"s a far cry from the days when the greatest danger of corrosion came from excessive sweet intake and even that could be counteracted by limiting pocket money. Stemming the tide of digital experiences is tougher. That"s not to say one should just give up and open the floodgates.
"The first rule is not to fall for the line "My friends have all got computers in their bedrooms"," says parenting expert Julie Johnson. "They haven"t. Which is why it"s essential to keep lines of communication open with the parents of your children"s friends."
Absolutely right, says psychologist Dr Pat Spungin, author of The Teenager Manual (Haynes, £14.99). Forget the information superhighway, she says. The most useful data available to the modern parent is accessed via parental note-swapping over the avocado dip.
"That way you find out that although one set of parents may have taken leave of their senses and allowed their 10 year-old to have a laptop by her bedside, the rest of you are appalled at the prospect, and close ranks," Dr Spungin says.
Indeed, while cast-iron commandments are hard to come by in the ever-shifting field of parental digi-policing, one thing most people seem to agree on is that any computers used by young children should be in a communal, public part of the house and not tucked away in a bedroom.
"Actually, that"s just the start of it," stresses Simon Fuller, managing director of Grid Learning, creators of the Telegraph"s educational games website, GridClub. "Not only do you need to see what your children are doing on the computer, you need to talk to them about it, as well. What"s more, you need to listen to what they are telling you, and resist the temptation to be negative. Ask if you can play one of their computer games with them. You don"t have to compete, you can go on a two-player game, where you"ll both be on the same side."
Definitely a good idea, says mother-of-three Anne Wynter, who regularly plays a Lord Of The Rings computer game with her 12-year-old son Peter. "Although Peter"s much more skilful than me, we still make quite a team. You"d be surprised how much of a bond you form when you"re stood side by side, fighting off orcs."
But how do you exert control over computer use when you"re busy cooking dinner?
"One way is to buy time-limiting software that shuts the computer down," says Will Gardner of the responsible-computer use charity Childnet. "Ensuring your children only have access to age-appropriate material is another [computer games are now graded like films]. But probably the most effective method is to draw up a written family agreement, signed by you and your children," he says.
This can be a simple "I"ll only do one hour a day" promise, or it can run to a 19-part document such as the sample on the Childnet website.
The crunch comes, however, when the computer needs to be used not for recreation, but school work. It"s one thing to stop a child slaughtering cave trolls, it"s another to stop children doing GCSE research on the Crusades.
"It may well be that in the end you have to allow older teenagers to have a laptop in their room to do homework," says Johnson, who also runs computer advice classes. "That said, there should be some limit put on the amount of time they spend in front of a screen, whether it"s the TV or the computer. The maximum recommended time is two hours per day, but on average, British children clock up five hours a day," she says.
"There also has to be a rule that at bedtime, the laptop comes out of that room. As does the mobile phone. Otherwise there"s a big temptation for kids to switch these things on if they wake up in the middle of the night. On top of that, there"s plenty of evidence that the light emitted from mobiles and laptops reduces the production of melatonin in the body, thereby affecting sleep.
"As a result, the no-laptop rule applies not just to the children, but adults, as well. It"s important for mothers and fathers to set an example."
Childnet"s Will Gardner agrees. "How you behave as a parent is crucial," he insists. "Let"s face it, you don"t have much credibility lecturing your children on computer use, if you spend your entire life attached to your BlackBerry."
The Virtual Revolution is on BBC Two at 8.15 SaturdaySHOULD PARENTS LIMIT COMPUTER USE?
The pros
Computer games now come with age-suitable certificates, from the Entertainment Software Rating Board ( Computers improve hand-eye co-ordination (and job prospects)Homework assignments increasingly need online researchLearning can be more fun on a computer (visit children find it easier to express themselves on a computer screen, rather than on paperThere is lots of advice for computer-worried parents (visit cons
Many computer games are violent and unsuitable for young childrenSome children can"t spell or do sums without help from their computerThe World Wide Web has many distractions that offer scope for time-wastingThere"s a danger that children will learn to interact better with machines than peopleComputers promote a bleary-eyed indoor, rather than healthy outdoor cultureVirtual reality can become blurred with real life
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